Few days ago I made this promotional video for my ebook, using Animoto.com online service. Here is the link to my Youtube: https://youtu.be/_lnqcA35C8U
It’s a great video, I just can’t have it enough watching it. 😉
For best experience, I HIGHLY recommend using audio system with full bass sound, as Hi-Fi, home cinema with subwoofer or decent headphones. Turn the sound loud (be careful with headphones!) and watch it at least 3 times in the row. Focus on every slide and whisper loud every word written. You will most probably soon start to experience good feelings, increased focus, happy mood and inspiring thinking. You might even end dancing around, after you listen and watch it few times in the row. Feel inspired and “high” with this promotional video for my ebook and just have a great time!
I’ve just finished redesign of my main page. I put VIDEO up there, directly to the server (so it has a little bit better sound quality as the youtube version, which I also have on youtube).
Enjoy the video and reading the book!
When I was in high school, I wrote few stories for the literary journal there. One of them was different than anything else there, it was sci-fi story with the title “The truth about the Universe” (I wrote it in slovenian language).
About 10 years later, I decided to expand that core part, where was that “truth” explained. I even sent it to one sci-fi magazine in another country, with some hope it would be maybe published there. The feedback was that “it was not technically logical to get their approval”. Imagine, sci-fi magazine with totally out of this world sci-fi stories (from talking bushes to the stuff beyond the time and space) complained about the “logic” in my story. But then, many years later, I started to see the surprising similarity between my story and the latest scientific explanation of everything around us, going into the quantum particles, non-locality, reality of time traveling, the overriding the speed of the maximum speed of light to travel, explanation of changing speed of time with the higher speed of traveling (following the Einstein). Recently I recognize this also inside the Law of Attraction, where it’s possible that we create our own Universe or maybe we participate in more than one Universe at once. It’s also about the multi-Universe, or about the choices how each moment can go into more (limitless) directions. I wrote even about the quants of time and shifting into the 3D back and forth, etc..
In fact, I explained all these stuff there in my story, in around 1995 or 1996 (I guess I have saved original files with exact date on one very old not working PC, from where I just copied the text later to another PC, to another word editor).
Now I’m thinking, should I maybe translate this whole story (which I wrote in 1983 and expanded around 1995) into english and publish it somewhere. But here is where I have some doubts, should I keep it still as a sci-fi story or should I take this “explanation” out of it and try to publish it somewhere where the scientists could notice it. Or maybe keep it as it is, and still try to show it to the “serious and scientific” magazines or websites? It would be interesting to hear some serious feedback on that from some scientists who do their serious research on this topic.
I still remember how I was writing this “expanded” inner core of the story (in 1995 or 1996) in night hours, like in dreams or hypnotic state, following what I was getting streamed into my mind that time. Years later I recognized that feeling as being “connected to the source”. Could be so.
So that’s why I posted it then on internet in April 2016, as a total beginner of wordpress blog or something. I still don’t know what is that site where I posted it (in slovenian). What I can see is just that I got only very few visits to it in these few years, probably all mine… ?
Any thought and feedback on this? Thank you for reading! ?
Maybe I will go with Amazon Kindle version (this would be my second Kindle ebook then) and then I would market it as it is… as sci-fi story with maybe some “scientific” explanation in the core? Let see. 😉
Do we all live in the same Universe, or each of us can create his/her own Universe? Something like quantum nonlocality exists and it’s property of Universe, so what if attraction actually means not only that we can alter the Universe by our will, but it means that each of us actually alter his/her own Universe, which is partly common to all of us and partly it is only our version?
What if every our action has its own impact to the Universe in such way that we just make at every new moment another particular version of Universe “real”, but which already exists (in same way as all the numbers exist among the nonlimited numbers which are available), which is picked and realized out of the unlimited versions of Universe? After all, we often say, that at the moment when we imagine or we get desire or we decide to make an impact, that with this we already build that reality which already exist in the future and so it will happen in the future?
After all, we are all only one soul. But we live our independent lives. Similar, we can share our one Universe, but each of us lives in independent version of Universe?
Maybe we live in other versions of Universe too. Similar as we live inside the same soul, which we have all and we are able to communicate directly with another individual part of universal soul. But could it be possible that we got with individuality of our soul also our individual universe? ?
How to understand this? Imagine each of us get a script for the movie and we are asked to alter it in the way, that one character in the movie have the power to alter the movie, while all the others characters are only passive. Then what we could get is, that one person would alter the whole movie in the big way and another person would just leave the whole script as it is.
Could it be possible that we get such a script every moment of the time, so when we decide to make a difference in the world, we can do it or we can also just leave it as it is. And at every moment we get new “script” which we can alter again. But then we hit the problem that not everything would appear same or similar in each Universe. Maybe this is exactly where this nonlocality could have a role too and it’s also the main secret of the whole Universe and the fact that we get our individual part of universal soul and with that also the power to use the law of attraction, to alter that Universe to where we belong and which belong to us?
Working on the new website.
Wednesday April 8th. I’m still working on the website, I added logomark today and few other stuff. Ebook is on the way. 😉
Few days ago I made this promotional video for my ebook, using Animoto.com online service. Here is the link to my Youtube:
It’s a great video, I just can’t have it enough watching it. 😉
For best experience, I HIGHLY recommend using audio system with full bass sound, as Hi-Fi, home cinema with subwoofer or decent headphones. Turn the sound loud (be careful with headphones!) and watch it at least 3 times in the row. Focus on every slide and whisper loud every word written. You will most probably soon start to experience good feelings, increased focus, happy mood and inspiring thinking. You might even end dancing around, after you listen and watch it few times in the row. Feel inspired and “high” with this promotional video for my ebook and just have a great time!
I’ve just finished redesign of my main page. I put VIDEO up there, directly to the server (so it has a little bit better sound quality as the youtube version, which I also have on youtube).
Enjoy the video and reading the book!
When I was in high school, I wrote few stories for the literary journal there. One of them was different than anything else there, it was sci-fi story with the title “The truth about the Universe” (I wrote it in slovenian language).
About 10 years later, I decided to expand that core part, where was that “truth” explained. I even sent it to one sci-fi magazine in another country, with some hope it would be maybe published there. The feedback was that “it was not technically logical to get their approval”. Imagine, sci-fi magazine with totally out of this world sci-fi stories (from talking bushes to the stuff beyond the time and space) complained about the “logic” in my story. But then, many years later, I started to see the surprising similarity between my story and the latest scientific explanation of everything around us, going into the quantum particles, non-locality, reality of time traveling, the overriding the speed of the maximum speed of light to travel, explanation of changing speed of time with the higher speed of traveling (following the Einstein). Recently I recognize this also inside the Law of Attraction, where it’s possible that we create our own Universe or maybe we participate in more than one Universe at once. It’s also about the multi-Universe, or about the choices how each moment can go into more (limitless) directions. I wrote even about the quants of time and shifting into the 3D back and forth, etc..
In fact, I explained all these stuff there in my story, in around 1995 or 1996 (I guess I have saved original files with exact date on one very old not working PC, from where I just copied the text later to another PC, to another word editor).
Now I’m thinking, should I maybe translate this whole story (which I wrote in 1983 and expanded around 1995) into english and publish it somewhere. But here is where I have some doubts, should I keep it still as a sci-fi story or should I take this “explanation” out of it and try to publish it somewhere where the scientists could notice it. Or maybe keep it as it is, and still try to show it to the “serious and scientific” magazines or websites? It would be interesting to hear some serious feedback on that from some scientists who do their serious research on this topic.
I still remember how I was writing this “expanded” inner core of the story (in 1995 or 1996) in night hours, like in dreams or hypnotic state, following what I was getting streamed into my mind that time. Years later I recognized that feeling as being “connected to the source”. Could be so.
So that’s why I posted it then on internet in April 2016, as a total beginner of wordpress blog or something. I still don’t know what is that site where I posted it (in slovenian). What I can see is just that I got only very few visits to it in these few years, probably all mine… ?
Any thought and feedback on this? Thank you for reading! ?
Maybe I will go with Amazon Kindle version (this would be my second Kindle ebook then) and then I would market it as it is… as sci-fi story with maybe some “scientific” explanation in the core? Let see. 😉
Do we all live in the same Universe, or each of us can create his/her own Universe? Something like quantum nonlocality exists and it’s property of Universe, so what if attraction actually means not only that we can alter the Universe by our will, but it means that each of us actually alter his/her own Universe, which is partly common to all of us and partly it is only our version?
What if every our action has its own impact to the Universe in such way that we just make at every new moment another particular version of Universe “real”, but which already exists (in same way as all the numbers exist among the nonlimited numbers which are available), which is picked and realized out of the unlimited versions of Universe? After all, we often say, that at the moment when we imagine or we get desire or we decide to make an impact, that with this we already build that reality which already exist in the future and so it will happen in the future?
After all, we are all only one soul. But we live our independent lives. Similar, we can share our one Universe, but each of us lives in independent version of Universe?
Maybe we live in other versions of Universe too. Similar as we live inside the same soul, which we have all and we are able to communicate directly with another individual part of universal soul. But could it be possible that we got with individuality of our soul also our individual universe? ?
How to understand this? Imagine each of us get a script for the movie and we are asked to alter it in the way, that one character in the movie have the power to alter the movie, while all the others characters are only passive. Then what we could get is, that one person would alter the whole movie in the big way and another person would just leave the whole script as it is.
Could it be possible that we get such a script every moment of the time, so when we decide to make a difference in the world, we can do it or we can also just leave it as it is. And at every moment we get new “script” which we can alter again. But then we hit the problem that not everything would appear same or similar in each Universe. Maybe this is exactly where this nonlocality could have a role too and it’s also the main secret of the whole Universe and the fact that we get our individual part of universal soul and with that also the power to use the law of attraction, to alter that Universe to where we belong and which belong to us?
Thank you for reading! ?